by webadmin | Feb 7, 2017 | thedrift
Fly fishing has arguably turned into something more similar to an organized religion than a sport, created through fly shops, online tying groups, and river baptisms. However, unlike religion, all waters are our church and the fly gurus are our Gods.
by webadmin | Feb 7, 2017 | thedrift
With Google Map- saved screen shots, road food (granola, apples, peanut butter, coffee and slightly too much Baileys) and a mound of gore-tex piled in between us, we stuffed our bodies into a Ford Focus, half exhausted from the work week
by webadmin | Feb 7, 2017 | thedrift
Thank you once again to our valued clients who made this another successful summer with Northern Outback Adventures. We had three weeks of rain, with higher than average levels this year, making for a successful Chinook season.